Saturday, April 28, 2007


Have you ever had one of those days when it would have been better not to wake up? So far that is my day today. When I got up and got in the shower I nearly slipped twice inside the shower. Then getting out I slipped again but didn't fall, but banged my leg. OK, I can make it. Pured some coffee, treated myself to some bacon and eggs. Burned some of the bacon in the microwave. Took my blood sugar, it's OK. Gave myself a shot if insulin and took what I thought were my pills. (David and I each have a weekly pill organizer and they are different colors not to get them mixed up). Drank my cup of coffee and came into kitchen to unload the dishwasher, I saw my pills on the cabinet and not on the table. When I looked close all of David's pills for today were gone, and mine were not. I called him, (he is doing a "Together We Build" house)asking had he taken his medicine this morning and he said NO! I ask him if there were any pills that might hurt me and he said no, you may get real sluggish and just keep an eye on my blood sugar. So my mourning goes. Am I ready for the loony bin? I think so.

Happy Anniversary to David and Becky today. Seven years.


~B said...

Oh great. Does this mean I have to start coming over there every day to give you your meds? Take a big black sharpie and write your name on your container Einstein!!!

Bobby Cox said...

Becky's comment reminded me of Elaine and Mr Pitt. Only mom you would be Mrs. Pitt I guess. Do you want to hold the rope to Woody Wood Pecker in the Thanksgiving Day parade? How are your socks? Does Becky need to get get you some more white socks? Have you been eating your yankey beans? Ha ha, oh so funny. Love you guys.